The inspiration for the form of the hotel were the elements present in the coastal landscape along with their corresponding associations. These are the wind – the sea breeze, the sails, kites and white, the water – the sea depths, waves, clarity, and blue, the earth – the beach, dunes, and solid green, fire – the sun, heat, power and brilliance. Established architectural form is both compact-rectangular block, the repetition of stories and the conspicuous white frame, and dynamic – a wavy glass facade and sloping walls to each other and organic skylights, reflecting all of these associations.
The hotel building has a unique location in the prestigious area between the promenade and Międzyzdroje beach. Thanks to the attractive location has a chance to become a distinctive landmark and a point in the scale of the city and region. This place is characterized by specific contexts of nature and dynamics of a large movement of people typical of coastal towns.All these factors have had a decisive influence on the development and architectural form the hotel.
Facility will be located parallel to the beach and street. Heroes of Warsaw, constituting a section of the promenade.South-west of the site closes park belonging to him acting as a public space. Developed by the free system of alleys between the underground garage, skylights implemented in two stages of the investment. The main entrance to the hotel will be located in the central part of the building from the south-wchodu, which provides the largest concentration of people. Arriving by car benefit from the ramp at the main entrance of the hotel and the hotel’s underground car park carried out in two stages. Furthermore, additional inputs are designed support services and trade on the ground floor and organized groups of visitors who go to restaurants, spa & wellness center and conference rooms.
Vehicular communication circuit was designed primarily with a view to hotel guests, allowing them to free climb the main entrance to the separation of the three lanes of traffic and the ability to safely leave the car in the parking lot of a hotel in the underground garage. The belt functions as the first driveway a short stop, second and third internal road as a car park or bus. In the second stage of the project is expected to expand the underground parking lot under the existing park.Delivery and maintenance provided at the hotel garage near the elevator of the hotel service.
in progress
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