Offer - inwestor`s supervision

According to the investor’s request we fulfill the role of inspector of investor’s supervision. The building law requires employment of inspector building supervision at building site of large and complicated structures. In such case, the obligation of making investor’s supervision is written down in decision of building permit. During carrying out his obligations, an inspector has a right to give orders to building manager, which should be confirmed by registration to building book and which apply to: removing irregularities, carrying out tests and legal evaluations, evidences of admitting in building materials and equipment and repairing wrongly done works.

– investor representing at the building and control of conformity of its execution with project and law regulations and know-how principles
– controlling the quality of works and used materials
– checking and receipting works yielding to cover, participating in tests and technical receipts of equipment, installation and in receipt of the structure
– confirming actually done works and removing defects
– controlling building’s accounts
– compiling documents essential for receipting structures and getting a receipt of investment
– advising investor in technical, organizational and administrative issues connected with the investment process.

See also

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