The main idea of the project of Warsaw Technology Incubator is to fulfill the expectactions of creating a prestigious building which is going to be the first element of Warsaw Technology Park.
The building and the site plan are going to become the basis to create the other components one of the most important scientific research and business investments in Middle -Eastern Europe. In the future it is going to create the cradle for young and creative enterprises using the most modern, Hi-Tech technologies.
The keynote of the project is to show the uniform environment which symbolizes the equal access to the resources and capabilities for either the people and the institutions interested in working in the field of modern technologies. The Incubator is supposed to create the environment connected to the spirit of good competition and common aim – development of the advanced fields of science and technology.
INVESTOR: Warszawski Park Technologiczny S.A.
AREA: 6.499.57m2
CUBATURE: 26.173,8m3
LOCATION: Warszawa, ul. Antoniewska 56
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