As far as administration is concerned, the site belongs to Siadło Dolne. However, because of its location it should rather be considered as Siadło Górne, which is quite near (appr. 0.8 km). The settlement (49 houses), which is planned for Siadło Dolne, will ensure its habitants ideal conditions for residence and leisure. The development will be located in picturesque surroundings with the breathtaking panorama of the River Odra Valley. Enclosed by fields and meadows, the place is conductive to recreation after a hard work day in the big city. The neighboring areas are perfect for cycling and hiking. Its uniqueness results also from the short distance to the center of Szczecin (mere 9 km to the main railway station) and the excellent communication – abt. 4.5 km to the motorway, abt. 4.7 km to Autostrada Poznańska Road. The whole development will be fenced and monitored by a security agency. The settlement will be provided with drive/walks with road humps. In the evenings and at night it will be lit by street lamps. Each house will be provided with parking bays for the guest and resident’s vehicles. A fully equipped play ground will be built within the premises. The entire development will be completed by high and low greenery.
Drawnings date: 06.2007
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